
Lions Clubs International logo - Onkaparinga Lions Club


Recycling household goods

Not sure what to do with unwanted household items? Don’t throw them away, donate them to the Lions Shed at Woodside. Donations, in reasonable condition, of furniture, household and electrical items, tools, garden items, books, toys etc. are welcome during opening hours: Friday 8:30am-12 noon and Saturday 8:00am- 12.30pm.

Contact a Shed Coordinator (mobile 0455 139 083) to check the suitability of larger items. Pick up of larger items within the local community district is by negotiation with a Shed Coordinator.

Inside shed - Onkaparinga Lions Club
Ring a Ding Dong - Onkaparinga Lions Club

Ring a Ding Ding (RADD)

Part of the Amy Gillett Bikeway winds its way through our community towns of Oakbank, Balhannah, Woodside and Charleston and is much used by cyclists, walkers and dogs. Since 2018, the Lions Club have promoted safety for all along the bikeway with the Ring a Ding Ding project which has the theme ‘Caring Cyclists Warn Walkers’. Initially, 700 bicycle bells were distributed free of charge at 5 local primary schools. 

The project continues to be promoted each year at the annual Discover, Play, Bikeway Fringe event with 100 bells given away to cyclists at Woody Trails at Woodside.

Scrap Metal recycling

Sometimes items donated to the Lions Shed at Woodside are not suitable for sale. One of our Lions members takes these unsaleable items, strips them down and retrieves scrap metal for recycling. A time-consuming task, but one that prevents the item going to landfill and raises funds for the community.

Recycling scrap - Onkaparinga Lions Club
Glasses -Onkaparinga Lions Club

Glasses Recycling

Do you have used spectacles that you no longer need? A recycling project that benefits people in need in many parts of the world is the Lions Recycle for Sight Australia program. Unwanted spectacles from a number of professional offices around the district are collected by Lions members. Alternatively, the spectacles can be dropped off at the Lions Shed at Woodside. The unwanted glasses are then forwarded onto Lions Recycle for Sight.

Youth Initiatives

The Lions Club of Onkaparinga are committed to assisting young people in our community to achieve. This is done in various ways including annual scholarships in education and music, sponsorship of junior sport, swimming and Riding for the Disabled.

Riding for the Disabled SA - supported by Onkaparinga Lions Club
Garth puppy at the shed - Onkaparinga Lions Club

Australian Lions Hearing Dogs – Puppy Sponsorship

The Lions Club of Onkaparinga proudly supports the Australian Lions Hearing Dogs. Located ‘just down the road’ at Verdun in the Adelaide Hills, the training Centre for the Lions Hearing Dogs is a visible reminder of this amazing Lions service that provides hearing assistance dogs free-of-charge to hard of hearing and deaf people across Australia. Named after one of our past members and district governor, our first sponsored puppy Garth, a very smart Australian Terrier, graduated in 2023 and is now with his grateful recipient. Club members are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our next puppy.

Since 1980, Australian Lions Hearing Dogs (ALHD) have provided a set of ‘furry ears’ to many hundreds of Australians, this is all made possible from the ongoing support of our generous donors and the Lions Clubs across Australia. Each Hearing Assistance Dog costs ALHD just under $40,000 to train, deliver and support. However, they go to their recipients free of charge, a gift from ALHD and the Lions Clubs of Australia in helping the Australian community.

Australia Day Community Breakfast

The Lions Club of Onkaparinga prepares, cooks, serves and enjoys providing a free community breakfast for the community on Australia Day each year. All members of the community are invited to this popular event that is held at the Woodside Hall and surrounds commencing at 8.30am.

BBQ Australia Day - Onkaparinga Lions Club
Birthing Kits - Onkaparinga Lions Club

Birthing Kits Workshop

During the winter months a date is set and a number of Lions members gather to put together basic supplies for women in disadvantaged communities. Kits are purchased from the Australian Birthing Kits Foundation, packed following a clean process and returned to the Foundation for distribution.